Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Internet Connectivity in Ethiopia

Ethiopia's full Internet service, launched in January 1997, is run on a monopoly basis by the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation (ETC). The ETC operates a 10,240 Kbps connection, with 8 POPs and a capacity to accomodate 14,000 dial-up subscribers. This was achieved from the original 512 Kbps through an expansion project implemented by the Government working jointly with UNDP. It involved a funding of US$ 600,000 from UNDP and a contribution of US$ 700,000 from the government. The ETC introduced new tariffs as of August 2002 following the completion of the upgrading process. This has brought a 40 - 50 % reduction in monthly fees.
According to ETC's web site, the following tariffs are applicable to Internet services as of August 2002 (US$ 1.00 = Birr 8.57. This article was posted on UNEC Website. Please read more (http://www.uneca.org/aisi/nici/country_profiles/ethiopia/ethiointer.htm)

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